Source code for pyKVFinder.utils

import os
import logging
import argparse
import pathlib
import numpy
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Optional

__all__ = [

VDW = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "data/vdw.dat")

[docs]def read_vdw( fn: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]: """Reads van der Waals radii from .dat file. Parameters ---------- fn : Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], optional A path to a van der Waals radii file, by default None. If None, apply the built-in van der Waals radii file: `vdw.dat`. Returns ------- vdw : Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] A dictionary containing radii values. Raises ------ TypeError `fn` must be a string or a pathlib.Path. ValueError A line in `vdw` has incorrect format. The values must be double tab-separated. ValueError A line in `vdw` has an incorrect radius type for an atom. Note ---- The van der Waals radii file defines the radius values for each atom by residue and when not defined, it uses a generic value based on the atom type (see `van der Waals file template`). The package contains a built-in van der Waals radii file: `vdw.dat`. """ # Check argument if fn is not None: if type(fn) not in [str, pathlib.Path]: raise TypeError("`fn` must be a string or a pathlib.Path.") else: # Define default vdw file fn = VDW # Create vdw dictionary vdw = {} # Open fn with open(fn, "r") as f: # Read line with data only (ignore empty lines) lines = [ line.replace(" ", "") for line in if line.replace("\t\t", "") ] for line in lines: if not line.startswith("#"): if line.startswith(">"): res = line.replace(">", "").replace("\t\t", "").replace(" ", "") vdw[res] = {} else: try: atom, radius = line.split("\t\t") except ValueError: if len(line.split("\t\t")) != 2: raise ValueError( "A line in `vdw` has incorrect format. \ The values must be double tab-separated." ) try: vdw[res][atom] = float(radius) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "A line in `vdw` has an incorrect radius type for \ an atom." ) return vdw
def _process_pdb_line( line: str, vdw: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] ) -> List[Union[str, float, int]]: """Extracts ATOM and HETATM information of PDB line. Parameters ---------- line : str A line of a valid PDB file vdw : Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]] A dictionary containing radii values. Returns ------- atomic : List[Union[str, float, int]] A list with resnum, chain, resname, atom name, xyz coordinates and radius. """ # Get PDB infomation atom = line[12:16].strip() resname = line[17:20].strip() resnum = int(line[22:26]) chain = line[21] x = float(line[30:38]) y = float(line[38:46]) z = float(line[46:54]) atom_symbol = line[76:78].strip().upper() # Get atom and radius from vdw if resname in vdw.keys() and atom in vdw[resname].keys(): radius = vdw[resname][atom] else: radius = vdw["GEN"][atom_symbol] f"Warning: Atom {atom} of residue {resname} \ not found in dictionary." ) f"Warning: Using generic atom {atom_symbol} \ radius: {radius} \u00c5." ) # Prepare output atomic = [resnum, chain, resname, atom, x, y, z, radius] return atomic def read_pdb( fn: Union[str, pathlib.Path], vdw: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]] = None, model: Optional[int] = None, ) -> numpy.ndarray: """Reads PDB file into numpy.ndarrays. Parameters ---------- fn : Union[str, pathlib.Path] A path to PDB file. vdw : Dict[str, Dict[str, float]], optional A dictionary containing radii values, by default None. If None, use output of `pyKVFinder.read_vdw()`. model : int, optional Model number, by default None. If None, keep atoms from all models. Returns ------- atomic : numpy.ndarray A numpy array with atomic data (residue number, chain, residue name, atom name, xyz coordinates and radius) for each atom. Raises ------ TypeError `fn` must be a string or a pathlib.Path. Note ---- The van der Waals radii file defines the radius values for each atom by residue and when not defined, it uses a generic value based on the atom type. The function by default loads the built-in van der Waals radii file: `vdw.dat`. """ # Check arguments if type(fn) not in [str, pathlib.Path]: raise TypeError("`fn` must be a string or a pathlib.Path.") if model is not None: if type(model) not in [int]: raise TypeError("`model` must be an integer.") # Define default vdw file if vdw is None: vdw = read_vdw(VDW) # Create lists atomic = [] # Keep all models keep = True if model is None else False # Read file and process atoms with open(fn, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if model is not None: if line[:5] == "MODEL": nmodel = int(line[5:].replace(" ", "").rstrip("\n")) keep = True if model == nmodel else False if keep: if line[:4] == "ATOM" or line[:6] == "HETATM": atomic.append(_process_pdb_line(line, vdw)) return numpy.asarray(atomic) def read_xyz( fn: Union[str, pathlib.Path], vdw: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]] = None ) -> numpy.ndarray: """Reads XYZ file into numpy.ndarrays. Parameters ---------- fn : Union[str, pathlib.Path] A path to XYZ file. vdw : Dict[str, Dict[str, float]], optional A dictionary containing radii values, by default None. If None, use output of `pyKVFinder.read_vdw()`. Returns ------- atomic : numpy.ndarray A numpy array with atomic data (residue number, chain, residue name, atom name, xyz coordinates and radius) for each atom. Raises ------ TypeError `fn` must be a string or a pathlib.Path. Note ---- The van der Waals radii file defines the radius values for each atom by residue and when not defined, it uses a generic value based on the atom type. The function by default loads the built-in van der Waals radii file: `vdw.dat`. """ # Check arguments if type(fn) not in [str, pathlib.Path]: raise TypeError("`fn` must be a string or a pathlib.Path.") # Define default vdw file if vdw is None: vdw = read_vdw(VDW) # Create lists atomic = [] # Start resnum resnum = 0 # Read XYZ file with open(fn, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.split() if len(line) == 4: # Get PDB information atom_symbol = line[0].upper() x = float(line[1]) y = float(line[2]) z = float(line[3]) # Get radius (generic value) radius = vdw["GEN"][atom_symbol] # Get resnum resnum += 1 # Append data atomic.append([resnum, "A", "UNK", atom_symbol, x, y, z, radius]) return numpy.asarray(atomic) def _read_cavity(cavity: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> numpy.ndarray: """Reads xyz coordinates and labels of a cavities file into numpy.ndarray. Parameters ---------- cavity : Union[str, pathlib.Path] A path to a PDB-formatted file of cavities. Returns ------- xyzl : numpy.ndarray A numpy.ndarray with xyz coordinates and cavity label for each cavity point. """ from .grid import _get_cavity_label # Create xyzl (xyz coordinates and cavity label) xyzl = [] # Read cavity file into list with open(cavity, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line[:4] == "ATOM" or line[:6] == "HETATM": x = float(line[30:38]) y = float(line[38:46]) z = float(line[46:54]) label = _get_cavity_label(line[17:20].strip()) xyzl.append([x, y, z, label]) return numpy.asarray(xyzl) def read_cavity( cavity: Union[str, pathlib.Path], receptor: Union[str, pathlib.Path], step: Union[float, int] = 0.6, probe_in: Union[float, int] = 1.4, probe_out: Union[float, int] = 4.0, surface: str = "SES", vdw: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]] = None, nthreads: Optional[int] = None, verbose: bool = False, ) -> numpy.ndarray: """Read cavities and receptor inside a 3D grid. Parameters ---------- cavity : Union[str, pathlib.Path] A path to a PDB file of cavities. receptor : Union[str, pathlib.Path] A path to a PDB or XYZ file of the receptor. step : Union[float, int], optional Grid spacing (A), by default 0.6. probe_in : Union[float, int], optional Probe In size (A), by default 1.4. probe_out : Union[float, int], optional Probe Out size (A), by default 4.0. surface : str, optional Surface representation. Keywords options are SES (Solvent Excluded Surface) or SAS (Solvent Accessible Surface), by default "SES". vdw : Dict[str, Dict[str, float]], optional A dictionary containing radii values, by default None. If None, use output of `pyKVFinder.read_vdw()`. nthreads : Optional[int], optional Number of threads, by default None. If None, the number of threads is `os.cpu_count() - 1`. verbose : bool, optional Print extra information to standard output, by default False. Returns ------- grid : numpy.ndarray Cavity and receptor points in the 3D grid (grid[nx][ny][nz]). Grid array has integer labels in each position, that are: * -1: bulk points or empty space points; * 0: biomolecule points; * >=2: cavity points. Raises ------ TypeError `cavity` must be a string or a pathlib.Path. TypeError `receptor` must be a string or a pathlib.Path. TypeError `target` must have .pdb or .xyz extension. TypeError `step` must be a positive real number. ValueError `step` must be a positive real number. TypeError `probe_in` must be a non-negative real number. ValueError `probe_in` must be a non-negative real number. TypeError `probe_out` must be a non-negative real number. ValueError `probe_out` must be a non-negative real number. ValueError `probe_out` must be greater than `probe_in`. TypeError `surface` must be a str. TypeError `nthreads` must be a positive integer. ValueError `nthreads` must be a positive integer. TypeError `verbose` must be a boolean. ValueError `surface` must be SAS or SES, not {surface}. """ from .grid import get_vertices, _get_sincos, _get_dimensions from _pyKVFinder import _fill_receptor, _fill_cavity # Check arguments if type(cavity) not in [str, pathlib.Path]: raise TypeError("`cavity` must be a string or a pathlib.Path.") if type(receptor) not in [str, pathlib.Path]: raise TypeError("`receptor` must be a string or a pathlib.Path.") elif not receptor.endswith(".pdb") and not receptor.endswith(".xyz"): raise TypeError("`receptor` must have .pdb or .xyz extension.") if type(step) not in [float, int]: raise TypeError("`step` must be a positive real number.") elif step <= 0.0: raise ValueError("`step` must be a positive real number.") if type(probe_in) not in [float, int]: raise TypeError("`probe_in` must be a non-negative real number.") elif probe_in < 0.0: raise ValueError("`probe_in` must be a non-negative real number.") if type(probe_out) not in [float, int]: raise TypeError("`probe_out` must be a non-negative real number.") elif probe_out < 0.0: raise ValueError("`probe_out` must be a non-negative real number.") elif probe_out < probe_in: raise ValueError("`probe_out` must be greater than `probe_in`.") if type(surface) not in [str]: raise TypeError("`surface` must be a str.") if nthreads is None: nthreads = os.cpu_count() - 1 else: if type(nthreads) not in [int]: raise TypeError("`nthreads` must be a positive integer.") elif nthreads <= 0: raise ValueError("`nthreads` must be a positive integer.") if type(verbose) not in [bool]: raise TypeError("`verbose` must be a boolean.") # Convert types if type(step) == int: step = float(step) if type(probe_in) == int: probe_in = float(probe_in) if type(probe_out) == int: probe_out = float(probe_out) # Insert receptor inside 3D grid if verbose: print(f"> Inserting {receptor} into 3D grid") # Define default vdw file if vdw is None: vdw = read_vdw(VDW) # Load receptor coordinates and radii if receptor.endswith(".pdb"): atomic = read_pdb(receptor, vdw) elif receptor.endswith(".xyz"): atomic = read_xyz(receptor, vdw) # Extract xyzr from atomic xyzr = atomic[:, 4:].astype(numpy.float64) # Get vertices vertices = get_vertices(atomic, probe_out, step) # Get sincos sincos = _get_sincos(vertices) # Get dimensions nx, ny, nz = _get_dimensions(vertices, step) # Unpack vertices P1, P2, P3, P4 = vertices # Calculate number of voxels nvoxels = nx * ny * nz if surface == "SES": if verbose: print("> Surface representation: Solvent Excluded Surface (SES).") surface = True elif surface == "SAS": if verbose: print("> Surface representation: Solvent Accessible Surface (SAS).") surface = False else: raise ValueError(f"`surface` must be SAS or SES, not {surface}.") # Fill grid with receptor grid = _fill_receptor( nvoxels, nx, ny, nz, xyzr, P1, sincos, step, probe_in, surface, nthreads, verbose, ).reshape(nx, ny, nz) # Insert cavities inside 3D grid if verbose: print(f"> Inserting {cavity} into 3D grid") # Load cavities coordinates and labels xyzl = _read_cavity(cavity) # Fill grid with cavities _fill_cavity(grid, xyzl, P1, sincos, step, nthreads) return grid def _process_box(args: argparse.Namespace) -> Dict[str, List[float]]: """Gets xyz coordinates of 3D grid vertices. Parameters ---------- args (argparse.Namespace) Arguments passes by argparser CLI. Returns ------- box : Dict[str, List[float]] A dictionary with a xyz coordinates (p1: origin, p2: X-axis, p3: Y-axis, p4: Z-axis) for each point. """ # Create box parameter box = { "p1": args.vertices[0], "p2": args.vertices[1], "p3": args.vertices[2], "p4": args.vertices[3], } # Adjust if box adjustment mode if # Get probe out additions # p1 = (x1, y1, z1) x1 = ( -(args.probe_out * args.sincos[3]) - (args.probe_out * args.sincos[0] * args.sincos[2]) + (args.probe_out * args.sincos[1] * args.sincos[2]) ) y1 = -(args.probe_out * args.sincos[1]) - (args.probe_out * args.sincos[0]) z1 = ( -(args.probe_out * args.sincos[2]) + (args.probe_out * args.sincos[0] * args.sincos[3]) - (args.probe_out * args.sincos[1] * args.sincos[3]) ) # p2 = (x2, y2, z2) x2 = ( (args.probe_out * args.sincos[3]) - (args.probe_out * args.sincos[0] * args.sincos[2]) + (args.probe_out * args.sincos[1] * args.sincos[2]) ) y2 = -(args.probe_out * args.sincos[1]) - (args.probe_out * args.sincos[0]) z2 = ( (args.probe_out * args.sincos[2]) + (args.probe_out * args.sincos[0] * args.sincos[3]) - (args.probe_out * args.sincos[1] * args.sincos[3]) ) # p3 = (x3, y3, z3) x3 = ( -(args.probe_out * args.sincos[3]) + (args.probe_out * args.sincos[0] * args.sincos[2]) + (args.probe_out * args.sincos[1] * args.sincos[2]) ) y3 = (args.probe_out * args.sincos[1]) - (args.probe_out * args.sincos[0]) z3 = ( -(args.probe_out * args.sincos[2]) - (args.probe_out * args.sincos[0] * args.sincos[3]) - (args.probe_out * args.sincos[1] * args.sincos[3]) ) # p4 = (x4, y4, z4) x4 = ( -(args.probe_out * args.sincos[3]) - (args.probe_out * args.sincos[0] * args.sincos[2]) - (args.probe_out * args.sincos[1] * args.sincos[2]) ) y4 = -(args.probe_out * args.sincos[1]) + (args.probe_out * args.sincos[0]) z4 = ( -(args.probe_out * args.sincos[2]) + (args.probe_out * args.sincos[0] * args.sincos[3]) + (args.probe_out * args.sincos[1] * args.sincos[3]) ) # Remove probe out addition box["p1"] -= numpy.array([x1, y1, z1]) box["p2"] -= numpy.array([x2, y2, z2]) box["p3"] -= numpy.array([x3, y3, z3]) box["p4"] -= numpy.array([x4, y4, z4]) # Prepare to dict to toml module box["p1"] = numpy.around(box["p1"], 2).tolist() box["p2"] = numpy.around(box["p2"], 2).tolist() box["p3"] = numpy.around(box["p3"], 2).tolist() box["p4"] = numpy.around(box["p4"], 2).tolist() return box def _write_parameters(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: """Writes parameters used in cavity detection and characterization of pyKVFinder to TOML-formatted file. Parameters ---------- args : argparse.Namespace Arguments passes by argparser CLI. """ import toml # Parameters filename fn = os.path.join(args.output_directory, f"{args.base_name}.parameters.toml") # Parameters dict parameters = { "FILES": { "INPUT": args.input, "LIGAND": args.ligand, "BASE_NAME": args.base_name, "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY": args.output_directory, "DICTIONARY": args.dictionary, }, "SETTINGS": { "MODES": { "BOX_ADJUSTMENT":, "LIGAND_ADJUSTMENT": True if args.ligand else False, "DEPTH": args.depth, "SURFACE": args.surface, "IGNORE_BACKBONE": args.ignore_backbone, }, "STEP": args.step, "PROBES": { "PROBE_IN": args.probe_in, "PROBE_OUT": args.probe_out, }, "CUTOFFS": { "VOLUME_CUTOFF": args.volume_cutoff, "LIGAND_CUTOFF": args.ligand_cutoff, "REMOVAL_DISTANCE": args.removal_distance, }, "BOX": _process_box(args), }, } # Write to TOML file with open(fn, "w") as param: toml.dump(parameters, param) def calculate_frequencies( residues: Dict[str, List[List[str]]] ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]]: """Calculate frequencies of residues and class of residues (R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5) for detected cavities. Parameters ---------- residues : Dict[str, List[List[str]]] A dictionary with a list of interface residues for each detected cavity. Returns ------- frequencies : Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]] A dictionary with frequencies of residues and class for residues of each detected cavity. Note ---- The cavity nomenclature is based on the integer label. The cavity marked with 2, the first integer corresponding to a cavity, is KAA, the cavity marked with 3 is KAB, the cavity marked with 4 is KAC and so on. Note ---- The classes of residues are: * Aliphatic apolar (R1): Alanine, Glycine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Methionine, Valine. * Aromatic (R2): Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine. * Polar Uncharged (R3): Asparagine, Cysteine, Glutamine, Proline, Serine, Threonine. * Negatively charged (R4): Aspartate, Glutamate. * Positively charged (R5): Arginine, Histidine, Lysine. * Non-standard (RX): Non-standard residues. """ # Create a dict for frequencies frequencies = {} # Get cavity name and residues list for each detected cavity for name, reslist in residues.items(): # Create a dict for cavity name frequencies[name] = { "RESIDUES": {}, "CLASS": {}, } # Get unique residues names residues = [res[2] for res in reslist] reslist = sorted(list(set(residues))) # Get residues frequencies for res in reslist: frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"][res] = residues.count(res) # Get class frequencies frequencies[name]["CLASS"]["R1"] = ( frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("ALA", 0) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("GLY", 0) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("ILE", 0) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("LEU", 0) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("PRO", 0) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("VAL", 0) ) frequencies[name]["CLASS"]["R2"] = ( frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("PHE", 0) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("TRP", 0) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("TYR", 0) ) frequencies[name]["CLASS"]["R3"] = ( frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("ASN", 0) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("CYS", 0) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("GLN", 0) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("MET", 0) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("SER", 0) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("THR", 0) ) frequencies[name]["CLASS"]["R4"] = frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get( "ASP", 0 ) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("GLU", 0) frequencies[name]["CLASS"]["R5"] = ( frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("ARG", 0) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("HIS", 0) + frequencies[name]["RESIDUES"].get("LYS", 0) ) frequencies[name]["CLASS"]["RX"] = len(residues) - sum( frequencies[name]["CLASS"].values() ) return frequencies def plot_frequencies( frequencies: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]], fn: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = "barplots.pdf", ) -> None: """Plot bar charts of calculated frequencies (residues and classes of residues) for each detected cavity in a target PDF file. Parameters ---------- frequencies : Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]] A dictionary with frequencies of residues and class for residues of each detected cavity. fn : Union[str, pathlib.Path], optional A path to PDF file for plotting bar charts of frequencies, by default `barplots.pdf`. Raises ------ TypeError `fn` must be a string or a pathlib.Path. Note ---- The cavity nomenclature is based on the integer label. The cavity marked with 2, the first integer corresponding to a cavity, is KAA, the cavity marked with 3 is KAB, the cavity marked with 4 is KAC and so on. Note ---- The classes of residues are: * Aliphatic apolar (R1): Alanine, Glycine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Methionine, Valine. * Aromatic (R2): Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine. * Polar Uncharged (R3): Asparagine, Cysteine, Glutamine, Proline, Serine, Threonine. * Negatively charged (R4): Aspartate, Glutamate. * Positively charged (R5): Arginine, Histidine, Lysine. * Non-standard (RX): Non-standard residues. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages # Check arguments if type(fn) not in [str, pathlib.Path]: raise TypeError("`fn` must be a string or a pathlib.Path.") # Create base directories of output PDF file os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(fn)), exist_ok=True) # Create a dictionary for standard amino acids tmp = { "ALA": 0, "ARG": 0, "ASN": 0, "ASP": 0, "CYS": 0, "GLN": 0, "GLU": 0, "GLY": 0, "HIS": 0, "ILE": 0, "LEU": 0, "LYS": 0, "MET": 0, "PHE": 0, "PRO": 0, "SER": 0, "THR": 0, "TRP": 0, "TYR": 0, "VAL": 0, } with PdfPages(fn) as pdf: # Standardize data ymax = 0 for cavity_tag in frequencies.keys(): # Include missing residues frequencies[cavity_tag]["RESIDUES"] = { **tmp, **frequencies[cavity_tag]["RESIDUES"], } # Get y maximum if ymax < max(frequencies[cavity_tag]["CLASS"].values()): ymax = max(frequencies[cavity_tag]["CLASS"].values()) ymax += 1 # Pdf plots for cavity_tag in frequencies.keys(): # Create page fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 9), dpi=300) fig.suptitle(r"Cavity " + f"{cavity_tag}", fontsize=30) # Frequency residues x = list(frequencies[cavity_tag]["RESIDUES"].keys()) y = frequencies[cavity_tag]["RESIDUES"].values() colors = [ "tab:cyan", "tab:purple", "tab:green", "tab:red", "tab:green", "tab:green", "tab:red", "tab:cyan", "tab:purple", "tab:cyan", "tab:cyan", "tab:purple", "tab:green", "tab:orange", "tab:cyan", "tab:green", "tab:green", "tab:orange", "tab:orange", "tab:cyan", ] for _ in range(len(x) - len(colors)): colors.append("tab:gray"), y, align="center", edgecolor="black", color=colors) ax1.set_xlabel(None) ax1.set_xlim(-1, len(x)) ax1.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=15, rotation=45) ax1.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=20) ax1.set_ylabel(r"Frequency", fontsize=20) ax1.set_ylim(0, ymax) ax1.grid(which="major", axis="y", linestyle="--") # Frequency classes x = list(frequencies[cavity_tag]["CLASS"].keys()) y = frequencies[cavity_tag]["CLASS"].values() colors = [ "tab:cyan", "tab:orange", "tab:green", "tab:red", "tab:purple", "tab:gray", ], height=y, align="center", edgecolor="black", color=colors) ax2.set_xlabel(None) ax2.set_xlim(-1, len(x)) ax2.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=20) ax2.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=20) ax2.set_ylabel(None) ax2.set_ylim(0, ymax) ax2.grid(which="major", axis="y", linestyle="--") # Legend labels = [ r"Aliphatic apolar", r"Aromatic", r"Polar uncharged", r"Negatively charged", r"Positively charged", r"Non-standard", ] handles = [ plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, facecolor=colors[label], edgecolor="black") for label in range(len(labels)) ] fig.legend( handles, labels, fontsize=15, fancybox=True, shadow=True, loc="lower center", ncol=6, ) # Adjust plots fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.12) # Save page pdf.savefig() plt.close() def write_results( fn: Union[str, pathlib.Path], input: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], ligand: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], output: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], output_hydropathy: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, volume: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, area: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, max_depth: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, avg_depth: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, avg_hydropathy: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, residues: Optional[Dict[str, List[List[str]]]] = None, frequencies: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]]] = None, step: Union[float, int] = 0.6, ) -> None: """Writes file paths and cavity characterization to TOML-formatted file. Parameters ---------- fn : Union[str, pathlib.Path] A path to TOML-formatted file for writing file paths and cavity characterization (volume, area, depth [optional] and interface residues) per cavity detected. input : Union[str, pathlib.Path], optional A path to input PDB or XYZ file. ligand : Union[str, pathlib.Path], optional A path to ligand PDB or XYZ file. output : Union[str, pathlib.Path], optional A path to cavity PDB file. output_hydropathy : Union[str, pathlib.Path], optional A path to hydropathy PDB file (surface points mapped with a hydrophobicity scale), by default None. volume : Dict[str, float], optional A dictionary with volume of each detected cavity, by default None. area : Dict[str, float], optional A dictionary with area of each detected cavity, by default None. max_depth : Dict[str, float], optional A dictionary with maximum depth of each detected cavity, by default None. avg_depth : Dict[str, float], optional A dictionary with average depth of each detected cavity, by default None. avg_hydropapthy : Dict[str, float], optional A dictionary with average hydropathy of each detected cavity and range of the hydrophobicity scale mapped, by default None. residues : Dict[str, List[List[str]]], optional A dictionary with interface residues of each detected cavity, by default None. frequencies : Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]], optional A dictionary with frequencies of interface residues and classes of residues of each detected cavity, by default None. step : Union[float, int], optional Grid spacing (A), by default 0.6. Raises ------ TypeError `fn` must be a string or a pathlib.Path. TypeError `input` must be a string or a pathlib.Path. TypeError `ligand` must be a string or a pathlib.Path. TypeError `output` must be a string or a pathlib.Path. TypeError `output_hydropathy` must be a string or a pathlib.Path. TypeError `volume` must be a dictionary. TypeError `area` must be a dictionary. TypeError `max_depth` must be a dictionary. TypeError `avg_depth` must be a dictionary. TypeError `avg_hydropathy` must be a dictionary. TypeError `residues` must be a dictionary. TypeError `frequencies` must be a dictionary. TypeError `step` must be a positive real number. ValueError `step` must be a positive real number. Note ---- The cavity nomenclature is based on the integer label. The cavity marked with 2, the first integer corresponding to a cavity, is KAA, the cavity marked with 3 is KAB, the cavity marked with 4 is KAC and so on. """ import toml # Check arguments if type(fn) not in [str, pathlib.Path]: raise TypeError("`fn` must be a string or a pathlib.Path.") if input is not None: if type(input) not in [str, pathlib.Path]: raise TypeError("`input` must be a string or a pathlib.Path.") if ligand is not None: if type(ligand) not in [str, pathlib.Path]: raise TypeError("`ligand` must be a string or a pathlib.Path.") if output is not None: if type(output) not in [str, pathlib.Path]: raise TypeError("`output` must be a string or a pathlib.Path.") if output_hydropathy is not None: if type(output_hydropathy) not in [str, pathlib.Path]: raise TypeError("`output_hydropathy` must be a string or a pathlib.Path.") if volume is not None: if type(volume) not in [dict]: raise TypeError("`volume` must be a dictionary.") if area is not None: if type(area) not in [dict]: raise TypeError("`area` must be a dictionary.") if max_depth is not None: if type(max_depth) not in [dict]: raise TypeError("`max_depth` must be a dictionary.") if avg_depth is not None: if type(avg_depth) not in [dict]: raise TypeError("`avg_depth` must be a dictionary.") if avg_hydropathy is not None: if type(avg_hydropathy) not in [dict]: raise TypeError("`avg_hydropathy` must be a dictionary.") if residues is not None: if type(residues) not in [dict]: raise TypeError("`residues` must be a dictionary.") if frequencies is not None: if type(frequencies) not in [dict]: raise TypeError("`frequencies` must be a dictionary.") if type(step) not in [float, int]: raise TypeError("`step` must be a positive real number.") elif step <= 0.0: raise ValueError("`step` must be a positive real number.") # Convert types if type(step) == int: step = float(step) # Create base directories of results os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(fn)), exist_ok=True) # Prepare paths input = os.path.abspath(input) if ligand: ligand = os.path.abspath(ligand) if output: output = os.path.abspath(output) if output_hydropathy: output_hydropathy = os.path.abspath(output_hydropathy) # Create results dictionary results = { "FILES": { "INPUT": input, "LIGAND": ligand, "OUTPUT": output, "HYDROPATHY": output_hydropathy, }, "PARAMETERS": { "STEP": step, }, "RESULTS": { "VOLUME": volume, "AREA": area, "MAX_DEPTH": max_depth, "AVG_DEPTH": avg_depth, "AVG_HYDROPATHY": avg_hydropathy, "RESIDUES": residues, "FREQUENCY": frequencies, }, } # Create base directories of results TOML file os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(fn)), exist_ok=True) # Write results to TOML file with open(fn, "w") as f: f.write("# pyKVFinder results\n\n") toml.dump(results, f)