KVFinder-web service
KVFinder-web service is a RESTful web service that runs parKVFinder software to detect and chacterize cavities. The web service has Web-Queue-Worker architecture style and each of these modules is built in a separated Docker container, making available to execute on different platforms and Cloud services.
The web server module receives HTTP POST requests in JSON. If the request is valid, it returns a response with an unique id. Otherwise, it returns an HTTP error code with an error message. This id is create by the web server that applies a hash function into the received data, which include detection parameters and the molecular structures.
The queue module uses Ocypod service to manage accepted jobs sent by the web server module.
The worker module communicates with queue module, requesting “queued” jobs, that will be processed with parKVFinder software. After completion, the job results are sent back to the queue module and made available to the client via the web server module. In order, to get the job results back, the client must send a HTTP request with a valid id and the web server module returns the current job status - “queued”, “running” or “completed” - together with its respective results if available.
Web service configuration
The web service has a Job timeout of 30 minutes (maximum time that a accepted job could run on the KVFinder-web service), completed jobs will be available on the web service up to 1 day after completion, and the maximum payload (maximum size of the JSON) of the data sent to the KVFinder-web service is 5 MB.
Further, the KVFinder-web service has some limitations, compared to a local installation of parKVFinder, that are:
Cavity representation will be always filtered (cavity files will consume less space on the web service);
The custom box (Box adjustment mode) cannot be much bigger than the 3D grid in order to avoid unnecessary calculations;
The grid spacing must be 0.6 A to avoid unnecessary time-consuming jobs;
The Probe In and Probe Out sizes must be smaller than to 5 and 50 A, respectively, to avoid unnecessary time-consuming jobs;
The Removal distance is limited must be smaller than 10 A to avoid unnecessary time-consuming jobs.
If users are creating a locally configured KVFinder-web service, these limitation could be lifted from the source code.
Publicly available KVFinder-web service
We provide a publicly available KVFinder-web service (http://kvfinder-web.cnpem.br), running in a Cloud environment. Hence, users may opt to run jobs on our public KVFinder-web service or on a locally configured server.
Local installation
To run the KVFinder-web service in Linux distributions, it is necessary to install docker-compose and its dependencies. To install it:
sudo apt install docker-compose
Users can use their preferred package manager to install docker-compose
After the docker-compose installation and copy/clone of this repository. To start KVFinder-web service, you can execute the command bellow at the root of KVFinder-web-service repository (where docker-compose.yml file is located):
docker-compose up
To start the KVFinder-web service in background:
docker-compose up -d
To interrupt an active KVFinder-web service instance, run:
docker-compose down
To stop and erase the volumes that store the queue module data and the job folders and files, run:
docker-compose down --volumes
The KVFinder-web service uses port 8081 by default. If the local installation was successfully, the locally configured KVFinder-web service is available at: http://localhost:8081. If you access the url on a browser, it should display a text message like: “KVFinder Web Service”.
The queue information can be accessed at: http://localhost:8023/info.
To use the PyMOL KVFinder-web Tools, users must change the server url and path hardcoded on the __init__.py file and reinstall the client plugin on PyMOL.
# Server #
server = "http://kvfinder-web.cnpem.br" #
# Path #
path = "/api" #
# Server #
server = "http://localhost:8081" #
# Path #
path = "" #
If the KVFinder-web service is on another computer on your network, you must provide the IP Address instead of localhost.
Extra configuration
After changes in the source code, the containers must be rebuild.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up --build
To start more than one worker module and thus make KVFinder-web service capable of running more than one job simultaneously. For instance, to start with two worker modules:
docker-compose up --scale kv-worker=2
API reference
Create a job: POST /create
Method: POST
Media type: application/json
URL: http://localhost:8081/create or http://kvfinder-web.cnpem.br/api/create
Example of job request:
"pdb": [
"MODEL 1\n",
"ATOM 1 N GLU E 13 -6.693 -15.642 -14.858 1.00100.00 N \n",
"settings": {
"modes": {
"whole_protein_mode": true,
"box_mode": false,
"resolution_mode": "Low",
"surface_mode": true,
"kvp_mode": false,
"ligand_mode": false
"step_size": {
"step_size": 0.0
"probes": {
"probe_in": 1.4,
"probe_out": 4.0
"cutoffs": {
"volume_cutoff": 5.0,
"ligand_cutoff": 5.0,
"removal_distance": 0.0
"visiblebox": {
"p1": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 },
"p2": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 },
"p3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 },
"p4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }
"internalbox": {
"p1": { "x": -4.0, "y": -4.0, "z": -4.0 },
"p2": { "x": 4.0, "y": -4.0, "z": -4.0 },
"p3": { "x": -4.0, "y": 4.0, "z": -4.0 },
"p4": { "x": -4.0, "y": -4.0, "z": 4.0 }
The response to ‘create’ contains the job id and the number of jobs already waiting in the queue to be processed.
"id": "4990580026958948484",
"queue_size": 0,
If you try to “recreate” a job in the queue, the response of GET /:id is processed and no information about the position in the queue is sent.
Request a job: GET /:id
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8081/:id or http://kvfinder-web.cnpem.br/api/:id, where :id is the job id received from the web server as submission response.
Example of response obtained for a job with status “queued”:
"id": "4990580026958948484",
"status": "queued",
"output": null,
"created_at": "2023-03-03T18:55:28.439300871Z",
"started_at": null,
"ended_at": null,
"expires_after": "1day"
Example of response obtained for a job with status “running”:
"id": "4990580026958948484",
"status": "running",
"output": null,
"created_at": "2023-03-03T18:55:28.439300871Z",
"started_at": "2023-03-03T18:55:31.416200437Z",
"ended_at": null,
"expires_after": "1day"
Example of response obtained for a job with status “completed”:
"id": "4990580026958948484",
"status": "completed",
"output": {
"pdb_kv": "ATOM 1 HS KAA 259 -15.000 -10.200 0.000 1.00 0.00\nATOM 2(...)",
"report": "# TOML results file for parKVFinder software\n\ntitle = \"parKVFinder results f(...)",
"log": "==========\tSTART\tRUN\t=========\n\nDate and time: Fri Apr 16 11:40:06 2021\n\nRu(...)",
"created_at": "2021-04-16T11:40:02.514045822Z",
"started_at": "2021-04-16T11:40:06.671064517Z",
"ended_at": "2021-04-16T11:40:17.701426882Z",
"expires_after": "1day"
Retrieve a job input: GET /retrieve-input/:id*
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8081/retrieve-input/:id or http://kvfinder-web.cnpem.br/api/retrieve-input/:id, where :id is the job id received from the server as submission response.
Example of response obtained for a requested job input:
"id": "4990580026958948484",
"input": {
"pdb": "ATOM 25 OD1 ASP E 323 0.497 12.598 16.506 1.00 40.80 O \nATOM 26(...)",
"pdb_ligand": null,
"settings": {
"modes": {
"whole_protein_mode": true,
"box_mode": false,
"resolution_mode": "Low",
"surface_mode": true,
"kvp_mode": false,
"ligand_mode": false
"step_size": {
"step_size": 0.0
"probes": {
"probe_in": 1.4,
"probe_out": 4.0
"cutoffs": {
"volume_cutoff": 5.0,
"ligand_cutoff": 5.0,
"removal_distance": 0.0
"visiblebox": {
"p1": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 },
"p2": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 },
"p3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 },
"p4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }
"internalbox": {
"p1": { "x": -4.0, "y": -4.0, "z": -4.0 },
"p2": { "x": 4.0, "y": -4.0, "z": -4.0 },
"p3": { "x": -4.0, "y": 4.0, "z": -4.0 },
"p4": { "x": -4.0, "y": -4.0, "z": 4.0 }
"created_at": "2022-01-25T19:32:13.572099997Z",
If the KVFinder-web service is on another computer on your network, you must provide the IP Address instead of localhost.